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How to reduce gas fees?

When writing smart contracts, you can employ some strategies to reduce Gas fees:

  1. Simplify Contract Logic: Keep contract logic simple and efficient. Complex contracts often require more computational resources and result in higher Gas fees. Avoid unnecessary complexity and include only essential logic.
  2. Use Appropriate Data Structures: Choose suitable data structures for storing and manipulating data to reduce Gas consumption. Avoid expensive data operations, such as mappings and dynamic arrays.
  3. Avoid Loops: Avoid using loops in your contract, as they can lead to unpredictable Gas consumption. If loops are necessary, limit the number of iterations.
  4. Minimize Excessive Storage Operations: Each write operation on the contract’s state consumes Gas. Minimize unnecessary storage operations and only update when necessary.
  5. Use View Functions: Declare functions in your contract as view or pure if they do not modify the state. These functions do not incur Gas fees.
  6. Avoid External Contract Calls: Interacting with external contracts typically requires more Gas. Reduce reliance on external contracts whenever possible.
  7. Testing and Simulation: Test and simulate on a test network before deploying your contract to ensure efficiency and Gas costs on the mainnet.

Please note that Gas fees are also influenced by network congestion and Gas prices, so choosing the right time to send transactions is important. Proper Gas management is crucial for reducing Gas costs.